KRCL Recruitment 2023 | 41 Vacancies – Apply Now

KRCL Recruitment 2023 - Konkan Railway Corporation Limited has announced 41 Vacancies for Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts Posts in , Anywhere in India - Walk-In Interview Date : 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023

KRCL Recruitment 2023

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited has just released a new Job vacancies announcement for Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts posts. This notification was announced on .B.E, B.Tech candidates can apply for 41 vacancies in , Anywhere in India. Candidates who met the eligibility criteria may attend the walk-in interview directly on 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023 at given address. Candidate who seeks for Konkan Railway Corporation Limited can use this chance. Those candidates who are interested in the following vacancy must Download and read the Official notification before applying to know the education qualification, salary, age limit, walk-in date and venue details and more.

KRCL Recruitment 2023
Organization Konkan Railway Corporation Limited
Job Category Centrl govt jobs
Job Role Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts
Qualification B.E, B.Tech
Total Vacancy 41 Post
Job Location Anywhere in India
Salary Rs. 48,852 to 77,418
Notification Released
Walk-In Interview 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023
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Here you will get the details for the post of Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts includes educational qualification, age limit, selection process, salary details, walk-in date and venue details. The Official notification and application form for this walk-in interview are given below. visit our Today job (03.03.2025) section to get more latest Govt and Private updates on daily basis.

Vacancy Details :


Name of Posts

No. of Posts


Asst. Project Engineer



Project Engineer



Sr. Technical Assistant



Sr. Technical Assistant



Jr. Technical Assistant


Education Qualification :

1. Asst. Project Engineer - Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) University

Work Experience: Minimum 6 years experience in Bridge projects such as construction / launching of structures like Steel Bowstring Girder Bridge/ Steel Plate Girder Bridge/extra-dosed /cable stayed Bridge/segmental bridge of minimum two (02) lane width roads / single line Railway track. Candidate should have knowledge of the relevant specification, i.e. AASHTO, ASTM, BS, BIS, IRC, RDSO, IS, MORTH and other relevant codes & specifications.

2. Project Engineer - Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) University.

Work Experience. Minimum 6 years experience in supervision of construction of Civil Engineering works in Buildings / Highways / Railways / Metros preferably in a Railway / PSU / reputed Private Company. Should also have satisfactorily completed at least two ROB works on running Over Head Electric Traction (OHE) section.

3. Sr. Technical Assistant - Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) university. Proficiency in Auto CAD is compulsory.

Work Experience. Minimum 5 years experience in Supervision of construction of Civil Engineering works in Buildings / Highways / Railways / Metros preferably in a Railway/PSU / reputed Private Company. This shall be inclusive of: (i) 3 years are in Railway or Metro Projects. (ii) Should have satisfactorily completed at least two ROB works on running Over Head Electric Traction (OHE) section.

4. Sr. Technical Assistant-

i. Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) or its equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) university with minimum 3 years of experience in Construction of Bridges (Major & Important) in Railway / Highway Sectors. OR

ii. Master of Engineering /Technology (Civil) or its equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) university with minimum 2 years of experience in Construction of Bridges (Major & Important) in Railway / Metro / Highway Sectors. Experience: Experience involving execution of construction of Bridges (Major & Important). Experience in Railway projects will be preferred.

5. Jr. Technical Assistant - Graduate in Civil Engineering or equivalent with not less than 55% marks from recognized (AICTE) university. Work Experience: Fresh graduate candidates may apply. However, preference will be given to the candidates having experience in planning/field survey/preparation of DPR or FSR/Supervision of construction of Civil Engineering works in Buildings/ High-ways/Railways/Metros preferably in a Rly/PSU/reputed private company or candidate with post graduation in Engineering discipline or candidate with GATE score.

Age limit :

1. Asst. Project Engineer - 45 years

2. Project Engineer - 45 years

3. Sr. Technical Assistant - 35 years

4.Sr. Technical Assistant-35 years

5. Jr. Technical Assistant - 30 years

Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through KRCL official Notification 2023 for more reference

Selary Details :

  • Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts - Rs. 48,852 to 77,418

1. Asst. Project Engineer - Rs. 77,418/- per month

2. Project Engineer - Rs.77,418/- per month

3. Sr. Technical Assistant - Rs.61,962/- per month

4. Sr. Technical Assistant - Rs.61,962/- per month

5. Jr. Technical Assistant - Rs.48,852/- per month

selection process :

  • The candidates shall arrive at the time and venue and get registered with the nominated KRCL official for the walk-in interview as indicated. Group Discussion (GD) or any other elimination round, can be introduced depending on the number of candidates and those candidates who get through in the elimination round will be called for interview.

How to apply :

Eligible and interested candidates attend the Walk-in (Interview) at conductingKRCL Recruitment 2023 for Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts posts on 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023. To know the detailed application apply process, follow the steps mentioned below :

  1. Go to official Konkan Railway Corporation Limited website
  2. Find the “Recruitment/ Career/ Advertisement menu” link and click on it. or Alternatively, download the official notification and application form from the link provided at the end.
  3. Read the official notifications carefully and verify your eligibility criteria.
  4. Take a Printout of official application form and other necessary documents required.
  5. Fill the required details correctly.
  6. Enclose (Attach) all the necessary documents required and attest by self signature.
  7. Finally, verify the registered details are correct and accurate, and then submit.
  8. Next, make the payment as per the notified mode, if asks. Else, move for next step.
  9. Take photo copy of your application and cover it.
  10. Finally, (if required)send the application form to the notified postal address mentioned in notification by post
  11. if elese Go for Walk-in dated on 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023 at address mentioned in the official notification.
Address to attend the Walk-in (Interview) for KRCL Recruitment 2023
Executive Club, Konkan Rail Vihar, Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd., Near Seawoods Railway Station, Sector-40, Seawoods (West), Navi Mumbai.

Important Dates to apply :

Notification Released Date
Walk-In Interview Date 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023

Notification - PDF :

Double click Below button to Download KRCL Recruitment 2023 Official Notification PDF
Download Notification

Application Form :

Double click Below button to Download KRCL Recruitment 2023 Application form
Download Apply Form

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KRCL Recruitment 2023 - FAQs :

Q1. How much vacancies are released for KRCL Recruitment 2023 ?

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited released 41 vacancies for Asst. Project Engineer, Project Engineer, Sr. Technical Assistant, Jr. Technical Assistant Posts Posts

Q2. What is the job location for KRCL Recruitment 2023 ?

The Job location for this post is Anywhere in India

Q3. When well be this interview conducted on ?

KRCL Recruitment 2023 Interview will be conducted on 19.01.2023, 20.01.2023, 23.01.2023, 24.01.2023 & 30.01.2023

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